Current Pictures #3
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Here are some more pictures to this ever changing project.
I'm getting close to the completion of this organ. Here are some new pipes added.

These are the new pipes being added.
Pictured is the bottom 2 octaves for my principle rank and the 3 rank chest which will hold the Trumpet, Oboe, and Rohr Flute ranks.

Closer view of the 3 rank chest

A little closer...
I use felt to straighten up the pipes in the rackboard holes. These held different ranks so the pipe holes need filling material to tighen the grip of the rackboard. Felt does a great job and looks nice too. The holes for the Oboe rank will need enlarged so get the jig saw ready!

This shows the Windline from another chest to the backwall.
I had to get air back to the back chests without risking damage to the line so I just built a wooden tunnel from another wind chest (which is over supplied with wind volume-wise). That way I can jump all over this line and its strong enough to take it. Not pretty but it works!