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Just when things looked dark and hopeless... This beauty showed up and charged the batteries for my motivation.
Take a look at this...

This is the tracker console.
It was in great shape! I sold this because I knew I wasn't going need it.
Tracker guts, eeeuuuwwww!
Trackers are really neat the way they work but I wouldn't want to work on them for a living.
These facade pipes are from the 8' octave
This rank was one of the best ranks I'd ever seen. Notice the diamond pattern on the CC pipe. These pipes were much too nice for my little project organ plus I was able to get a pretty penny for them.
More facade pipes...
Look at this pattern. Really nice and a great principal sound too.
More facade pipes...
Various toe lengths and hidden scroll tuners made this set very nice. It was a beautiful organ but the wind chest had problems.
Here's the little Ventus blower.
I almost kept this but I figured I could get a little more cash for it than my huge Zepher blower from the Schantz. Plus that old Schantz organ blower will be blowing long after I'm gone.
This is the bellows for the entire 14 rank Chapel organ.
It was in great shape and the leather looked brand new. It was 5'X4' in size and supplied 14 ranks with 4" of wind. I sold this one and kept the two from the Schantz organ.

More Pictures on the Chapel Organ Section 2