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Here is my swell flute from 4' C.
The nitches have been filled so this flute has a great chiffy sound. It's broken into the full Cornet plus a 16' leiblich. |
This shows the 4' Gross Flute chest..
The Gross Flute pipes are in but I don't have a current picture yet.
Also pictured is the old Vox Humana chest which now holds the 2' violin diapason rank. I do have the 4' octave as well and plan to use it in the Violin Diap chest. I will replace the 2' stop with another 2' rank. |
This chest holds the principal rank 4' and up
This will hold the Principal at 4'. The 16' & 8' octaves will be on another offset chest.
Whistle while you work.......
This is my work station for wiring up switches. I buy the 24 gauge telephone wire in the 25 pair cable. I'll probably have over 3000 wire connections in the organ once its done, not counting the wicks relay. |
My Aeoline pipes
I was wanting a super soft stop to add to the dynamics of this organ. This stop was in the organ but just didn't fit in very well.
These are a few of the 8' octave for the Violin Diapason rank.
I actually had to cut down five pipes to fit them with the bottom seven pipes. It should be an OK transition. |
Here's Mr. Blower!
Its supplies all the wind I need and then some. I have an 8" line leading to my two regulators. This blower is tucked under my basement steps so noise in not that bad for the size of this blower. |