The Cabin Pipe Organ Project
Home Page

History Page

Schantz Organ Section

Chapel Organ Parts

Chapel Organ Parts Continued

Current Pipe Organ Layout

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Current Pictures Page Two

Current Pictures Page Three

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Guest Book Page

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Welcome To The Cabin Pipe Organ Site!!

Hi!  My name is Jason Bodenhamer and I have a love for pipe organs, so much in fact that half my basement is devoted to pipe organ enjoyment! Here is my story about the desire to have my own pipe organ in my house. Contact me with any questions or comments. Thanks!!!!!
Picture Above
This is the front of my pipe organ and I hope to get more pictures soon so stay tuned.
To God be the Glory for the
Great things he has done!

Don't forget to sign the Guestbook!!!!
The tuning has begun!!!!  Finally, after 7 years of work and design the initial fine tuning of the organ started this weekend thanks in part to a good friend with a great set of ears willing to help hold the keys.  My wife is busy running after our (almost) 2 year old so her time has been limited.  I know she hates not being able to help hold those keys down for me... HA!  We tuned 6 ranks and are planning on tackling more this week.  We'll see how much we can get done...

Updated 3/10/08!

Our Little Home
My wife, Melanie, and I moved here in Dec. 2002. We love living here in Stokes County and plan to be here for a long, long time.