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It took me a full day to move this organ into storage (mom and dad's garage, HEHE) but the work was well worth it.

The 16' bourdon was in good shape but not that pretty.

These pipes were pied in from the wind chest and the lower pipes had to be painted to match the organ. I sold these to a friend who is also a local pipe organ nut. He has a great basement pipe organ as well in Kernersville, NC.

16' Trombone (half length & mitered) pipes in great shape!
Boy, these are monster reeds and I do use these in my organ. I may end up selling them just because of the money they would bring but right now they just "Honk" away at the world when the 16' Trombone stop is on.
16' Trombone reeds and boots.
I placed a disk over them to show the size.
8' Gedeckt Octave
I sold the 8' octave to my K-ville buddy and kept the 4' for my organ. The niches were filled in each pipe so they have a great chrippy sound.
Here's the 4' Gedeckt.
It really sounds nice broken up in the cornet stops (8', 4' 2 2/3', 2', 1 3/5')
One of my favorite stops here... 8' Gemshorn
Really nice pipes here with a great gemshorn sound. I really like adding this to a basic string rank. Nice building sound without too much of a jump.
More Gemshorn pipes.
The 8' octave is mitered and fits very well in my space... which isn't very big.
This is part of the two rank mixture
This organ had a two rank mixture and a three rank mixture. I thought about keeping one of them but the toe board section of the windchest for these pipes was damaged and I did not want to build a wind chest for a mixture so... Sold!
Nice little octave here.
These pipe were in nice shape but were a little weak sounding for what I wanted.
Same as above Octave.
Pedal Octave in nice shape.
I almost kept these as well but the auction block grabed them up.
Nice set of pedals.
They went with the console and I hope made someone very happy.
Organ facade of the Chapel Organ
Although bad quality picture its all I have. The chest was designed to walk in underneath and be able to look up and see the action through thick plexiglass pieces. The chest never worked properly though and thus it was junked.